What I do when I don't like a book — Day to Day Adventures

Day to Day Adventures

What I do when I don't like a book

Kim Brush1 Comment
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We’ve all done it. 

A friend recommends a book, you get it from the library or borrow it.  With excitement you start reading and it falls flat.  You can't get in it or even like it. 

What do you do? 

Keep reading or quit?

I try for a little bit but if I am still struggling in the first quarter of the book then I stop.  There are just too many good books out there waiting for me to spend precious time reading one that I don't like. 

This month was like that. 

My book list is pretty short because I kept starting books that weren’t for me.  Kind of frustrating but it does happen.

Fiction reading list

Cress & Winter by Marissa Meyer

The best books of my month were these! 

This is a fast moving series is about a cyborg girl who must fight to save her friends, her world and herself!   Last month I told how I am getting more "reading" time in with audio books and give details about each book in this series! 

Expats by Chris Pavone

Sadly there are only other two fiction books on my list from this month.  I made it about a quarter of the way through Expats before I put it down.  I love a thriller and expected a lot of action but that isn’t how this book started at all.  There was too much "mom who used-to-be-a-spy" lamenting that she was suspicious of her husband to grab my attention. 

Anyone else love this book?  Should I give it another try someday?


After the Ending by Lindsey Fairleigh and Lindsey Pogue

It was a pleasure to pick up this "end of the world as we know it" book!  In After the Ending, the survivors of a world wide pandemic develop special skills like speaking to others with their minds or the ability to sense other's emotions! 

This story written by two authors is about two best friends seeking to reunite from opposite sides of the US.  Their journey involves friendship, romance(and some sex), their developing their new skills and the story of surviving in a new world.

Currently reading

The Me I want to Be by John Ortburg

I started this book in July and I’m finding so many good inspiring things in it.  Next week our small group at church is starting another Ortburg book so I need to finish this one up quickly

My reading times in the morning have been shorter lately but I going to work on changing that!  I need that time to make progress on my non fiction books!

Seabiscuit by Laura Hillenbrand

This nonfiction book is an exhaustively researched retelling of the story of Seabiscuit one of the most famous race horses ever to run.  It is told as a story and I’m liking it but it is a slower type of book.  Great insight into the horse racing life.  It just reads slower than a mystery, thriller or action book.

I know that part of my slow going this month is because I’m working on TWO non-fiction books.  It is still my biggest reading challenge but I am working on it!!!  I'm up to 9 nonfiction books for the year!

What book are you working on right now?  Any recommendations for my next book? 

Monthly Book Posts from 2016

January--8 excellent books reviewed by older teens 

February--Nonfiction books are my special challenge

March--New Habits to help build reading time into a busy mom's day

April--Real books vs. Electronic books

May/June--Books full of Fantasy, Magic, and Dragons

July--Get more "reading" time with audio books!

Don't miss any future book posts!  Join the Day to Day Adventures loyal reader newsletter! (Pssst! You also get access to the library of freebies!  It's awesome!)

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