Day to Day Adventures

Blessings from the week volume 9

Kim Brush2 Comments

It's been a hard week.  Monday's & Tuesday are FULL.  Like to the brim, cup over flowing, soaking you when it spills FULL.  We are so busy that my head hurts.  That is not good.  It makes me snap at everyone and doubt myself.

I'm working on changing that situation but for the next month there isn't a lot I can do about it.  Thankfully the garden work is ending as I have run out of jars for canning.

Counting Joys was a choice this week.  I wanted to be cranky(and was a lot) and wallow in my self pity. 

Blessings -

Yeah it was fun around here.

1.  Physical Therapy

It is helping. 

My hip is not as ouchy. 

Going is not fun as it puts a crimp in my already tight schedule.  When I'm done it leaves me with shaky legs and sore muscles. 

But it is working. 

I'm stronger and have much less pain.

2.  Elizabeth

Of course I'm thankful for my daughter. 

She really rescued me on Tuesday though and I'm grateful.  I declared I HAD to stay home and get some stuff done.  Since she was home on fall break she became my chauffeur for the afternoon.  Feeling overwhelmed can be paralyzing and keep you from moving forward. 

Sometimes all it takes is someone saying "I can help" to bring a sense of peace.

3. Sleeping in

I'm still marveling in the fact that I have changed to a morning person and actually like it! 

Going through the Make Over Your Morning course has really helped me to focus on using my time when the kids are still sleeping. I crave the quiet still time before the day gets going (affiliate link).

Blessings -

But Wednesday I was VERY tired.  I went to bed late and knew I needed to get some extra sleep.  I shut off my alarm knowing that I'd gotten up early all the other days of the week and had accomplished many of my goals. 

The sleep was wonderful. 

Until I heard the cat puking on my carpet at 7 a.m.  Wonderful way to wake up.  NOT.

4. Best Friends

Some days I feel really isolated.  I interact with my family but not very many others. 

Blessings -
Blessings -

But in the last week I've gotten to spend time with two dear friends.  Megan and I went to K's house & watch a fun old movie.  We laughed, talked and ate popcorn.  Good times.

This weekend we have guests from out of town.  It is so fun to reconnect with L & her family.  We stayed up late talking and now I'm wishing for another morning of sleeping in. 

But it was worth it. 

I don't have tons of close friends but I really cherish the ones I do have.  It is such a blessing to walk through life with women who GET you and still want to hang around.

What were your blessings this week? 

Who did you love hanging out with? 

Comment here or on Day to Day Adventures Facebook page! I'd love to hear what you are celebrating.

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