Day to Day Adventures

Blessings from the week volume 5

Kim BrushComment

I've been functioning on too little sleep this week. My body thinks that 6 a.m. is a great time to wake up lately.  I'm usually more of a 7-7:30 girl.  Too many things to do each day is the main cause I think.

It's been a good week despite that. 

Blessings for Week Volumbe 5 -

1. Fresh paint

We tackled painting the exterior of our house over Labor Day weekend.  By Sunday evening we had 3/4 of it done. 

It doesn't look that different to most but to me it looks fresh, clean and all the scratches, stains & imperfections are gone. 

Plus the fact that I got the paint for $60 instead of $200 was a HUGE blessing!


2. Aleve & strong, willing to work children

Ladders and I really have a love-hate relationship.  I'm short.  5'3.5" on a good day.  So ladders are VERY helpful when painting. 

My bum hip, however, despises going up and down a ladder.  It really tells me about it the next day.  So I'm sure you can imagine how I felt on Monday after painting all weekend.  Thankfully Aleve helps dull the pain.

The kids painted a lot.  I love the old saying "Many hands, make light work."  I'm not sure that light is the right work but I know that we didn't have as many trips up and down that ladder because of their willing attitudes.

3.  Beginning of school year

Yep.  It has begun.  Both kids were cracking the books on Tuesday morning. 

It will take a few weeks for us to get up to full speed but I'm thrilled that we are started.  We are still adjusting to our new schedule.  Driving in to town for Megan's dual credit class makes me a little cranky but it is worth it.  She will get her driver's license soon and it will be easier!

4.  Saturday morning conversations

Michael & family stayed overnight on Friday which meant Cecily was available to play early on Saturday. She gets up early and takes a nap by the time everyone else is up for the day.

At 3 month old she is happy and willing to talk & play.  She's growing so fast.

While she naps, Michael and I eat breakfast together and chat about life.  Perfect start to the day.

Blessings for Week Volumbe 5 -
Blessings for Week Volumbe 5 -

What are your blessings this week? 

Share what you are thankful for in the comments or on the Day to Day Adventures Facebook page.

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