Day to Day Adventures

Blessings from the Week

Kim Brush3 Comments

This week has been very bizarre.  

Blessings from the Week - Day to Day Adventures

Steve took the younger two on a camping & canoeing trip at the Boundary Waters.  So Elizabeth & I have been on our own.  It’s been a vacation.  She cooks for herself.  Puts herself to bed.  Does her own laundry.  

She’s been doing her thing & I’ve been doing mine .  We've watched movies.  Not much cooking going on. 

Low maintenance.  It's awesome.

Before I know it the other 3 will be walking through the front door & chaos, noise & craziness will be back in the house.  That will be glorious fun & we miss them a bunch.


However . . . . I’m counting my "unique" blessings today since this week is SO different than normal.

1.  QUIET  

Blessings from the Week -

It is NEVER quiet here.  Even when there is no noise there is something going on.  

Noise isn’t limited to sound for me.  Our children’s presence in the house is LOUD. 

When Elizabeth went to college in January the house was quiet.  Strange since she is my introvert who isn’t out of her room a bunch and is rarely noisy. 

I love it when all my kidos are home--its a special type of fun.  But this week with just my oldest daughter has been wonderful & I wouldn't trade it for anything.

2.  My Internal Clock

Blessings from the Week -

If you know me in real life then you probably know that I am NOT a morning person.  I don’t like to make decisions much less conversation before I have my tea & 8 am rolls around.

So when I have a few days of no responsibility, you would think I would sleep in and enjoy a slow start to my morning.  This is one way Elizabeth and I are alike.

However, my alarm clock in my head has been going off at 6 am. 


Even if I’ve been up late working on a project or reading.  I guess that is good because I seem to get a bunch done before 10 am when I get up and get moving.

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3. More brain space

Blessings from the Week -

We moved in to this home in 2013 right after Michael & Rebekah got married in August.  A year ago I was fighting a cornea infection that greatly affected my health and energy levels.  I’ve never settled in and organized the different areas of our home.  I'm often feel unsettled because I'm unsure of where things I need are located at the moment.

This week has allowed me to empty my work room on to the dining room table.

It was a mess.  But a good one.

Everything has a home now and I’m feeling very peaceful with how the built in shelves & window seat in the work room are organized. 

There is still room in the closet for things to be stored there.  

Big change.

When there is less mess around me and I know where things are at then I find I have more brain space.  I can sit and contemplate how I want to organize.  You can find me on the front porch when the rest of the family is home for the same reason.  I'm so grateful that Steve made the trip happen.  Both for the memories they are having and for the gift of quiet time for me.

Peace and quiet is a big need in my life.

I think this need comes from the chaos & heartache of last 3 years.  At times I feel like I’m waking up from a horrible bad dream. 

I'm filled with joy as my days start lately. 

I feel that the days & weeks ahead have a lot of promise.

What are 3 blessings from your week?

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