Day to Day Adventures

10 care packages for college students (FREE printable)

Kim Brush5 Comments

We sent our third child off to college this fall (that can’t be right can it?)  She lives 2 hours away and that has been quite the BIG adjustment for our family. Our other kids lived in town and at home for college. We miss her but we are having fun making sure that she gets some great care packages as a college student.

Need some ideas for care packages for your college student?  Check out these easy ideas! -
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Send some love from HOME

There’s nothing better than getting a package from home. Mail is also good. I like to send notes and cards too but opening a box full of goodies is so fun! As a parent, it is challenging find things that will be useful and won’t get in the way. After all a dorm room is not very big

When my daughter was home for Thanksgiving break I noticed that she knew exactly how many days were left of this semester. The end is in sight but there are some hard days left before she can be home on Christmas break. It is definitely time for another note from home. Plus I need a plan for our care packages for finals week. 

Make a plan and mail early

I decided to go with three packages this time. That means I needed to be thinking a week ahead so the mail could get there and then make it's way into my daughter's mail box. It's slower than just going to someone's home. The week before finals on Monday I mailed the first package. Tuesday I mailed a card and Wednesday the second package went out. We plan to be in the town where she is on Saturday (it's her birthday) so we will deliver the third package with instructions not to open it until it's time!

Mix it up and be creative

To get good things for your college student's care packages you have to put yourselves in their shoes. For a Hug from Home I thought about what would make her feel loved and "hugged" from a distance. I also had a lot of fun shopping for yellow items for a Box of Sunshine. Being a blessing to others always cheers me up no matter my mood!

Do you need some ideas for a care package?  Or how about a printable to include in your package? No worries!  I got you covered. Use the idea list for a starting point for your care packages and the cute printable to include a note to your student!

FREE care package idea list and printable(just click below to download!)

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