Day to Day Adventures

How to Grow Hens and Chicks

Kim Brush5 Comments

Before I ever knew what mums, iris, daisies or any other flower was I knew what hens and chicks were.  And no I'm not talking about the bird.  I'm sorry if your searching brought you here but maybe you are also interested in how to grow hen and chick succulents. 

What we have learned in 3 years about how to grow raspberries

GardenKim Brush11 Comments

I've always wanted a berry patch.  Strawberries aren't too bad to purchase but others can cost an arm and a leg!  We've had vegetables gardens and flower gardens but never a berry patch.  In our current home we've had the fun adventure of creating a patch that has given us good return!  Not quite where we don't need to buy any berries but that is my ultimate goal!  We are 3 years in to this adventures and I want to share our tips for growing raspberries learned from our good and bad experiences.