Day to Day Adventures

Garden reflections - How did your garden grow?

GardenKim Brush2 Comments
Looking back at how your garden did in years past helps to make decisions for the current year -

The grass is turning green and the trees are all in bloom so spring is HERE!

I’m super excited to be thinking of seeds, planting and just being out in the fresh air.    We've mowed already and I'm anxiously awaiting the apple trees blooming!

Gardening is wonderful therapy for me.

Last fall I wasn’t sure we would get to have a garden this year.  I was in pain from my bum hip and surgery was planned for December. 

Everyone said I would be able to do things in the garden but it is difficult to see how that is going to work when you are recovering.  We also had to leave several chores unfinished last year so we’ve been out working already since this year it hasn’t been overly wet.

New larger garden space

Almost 3 years ago we moved from a home with a crowded garden space to our new home with a generous amount of land for gardens, fruit trees and sunny flower beds.  I’m pretty much in heaven.  Once it warms up I am outside as much as I can.

At our previous home there were lots of shady areas and I learned to create shady perennial gardens so I could reserve the sunny spots for planting vegetables.  At our new homeI still love perennials but the flower gardens are in the sun.  Since I didn't plant them it has been a fun mystery to see what comes up each year.

3 types of gardens in 2015

We used both a traditional garden and square foot gardens (SFG)for our vegetables. 

By looking back at how your garden did in years past helps to make decisions for the current year -

Then we created new large sized square foot gardens for our strawberry beds.  We go through a LOT of strawberries every year and I hope that we get bunches this year! 

By looking back at how your garden did in years past helps to make decisions for the current year -

2015 was a year FULL of challenges.  Lots of rain and my hip pains were the two biggest ones.  But we did find success in using the deep mulch method to keep weeds from taking over.  The series of garden posts from last year below tells HOW we did it! 

Now after looking over how last year's garden grew I am ready to look ahead to 2016! 

Then it will be time to get to work!  Are you planning your garden yet?

More garden posts!