Day to Day Adventures

End of the Garden (for this year)

GardenKim Brush2 Comments
End of the Garden -

The air is cool and nippy this morning.  Jeans and sweatshirts are sounding cozy instead of hot.

Fall harvest

Our crazy garden is still producing.  We have tomato puree & tomato sauce to last the winter. 

And we are still picking. 

The green beans were not as abundant due to the water flooding the garden after we planted in the spring.  Thankfully we have green beans from last year so we can make them stretch. 

The weeds have finally gotten ahead of us but the hay on the garden kept them away most of the summer.  We had to do some minimal watering in August and September.  

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This method did a great job of retaining the moisture and giving us an abundant amount of tomatoes!  The tomato plants have gotten so heavy that they are bending the supports and falling over. And I don't really care. 

End of the Garden -
End of the Garden -

My focus has switched from spending time out there every day to going out every couple of days to pick tomatoes and nothing else.  That makes it easy for the weeds to win. 

But I'm ok with that.  Frost is coming. 


Our pumpkin plants did well again.  A few big ones and several little ones! 

End of the Garden -

Put it all to bed

I'm thrilled with the deep mulch method.  Putting hay on the garden was a BIG success. 

So after the frost we will be covering the garden with a layer of leaves and hay.  Then next spring we can start again.  We have learned some things and will be making some changes.

But I'm not ready to start dreaming of 2016 yet.  That's what January and February are for right?

Did you have a garden this year?  Tell me what you harvested in the comments!