My #1 problem organizing photos and how I am going to fix it — Day to Day Adventures

Day to Day Adventures

My #1 problem organizing photos and how I am going to fix it

Kim Brush3 Comments
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Once upon a time. . . .

A girl was given a camera to take to camp. 

She fell in love with taking photos. 

It was a steady relationship

It started with buying film(I know I’m dating myself here), then catching fun shots and getting the pictures back.  It allowed her to share and treasure those memories from special times in her life.

The people, memories, feelings and experiences in the photos were forever captured and could be relived over and over.

Organizing Preserving Photos -

This love of pictures followed her in to adulthood.  As she started a family, it quickly became a hobby and a way to connect with other moms who had a similar love.  

Do you have a similar story of your first camera?  I’d love to hear all about it!

That girl was me and today I am still preserving memories from behind the lens.  I treasure the albums I’ve created of my kids(and now grandkids) and enjoy seeing how much they have grown.  Looking back on happy times with my parents is also a very special thing.  All of our vacations are recorded with where we went and what we did so someday my children can look back and experience it all over again.

Biggest Problem of Organizing Photos

If you are just starting to work on your photos, it is likely that you are OVERWHELMED by the volume of photos that you have to organize.  

It is a continuous job.  It. NEVER. Ends.

Every time we grab our phone or camera to snap a photo the number of photos we have increases.  I am not caught up and probably never will be.  I have many years of photos still that need to be put in albums or on the wall for display.  Photos from my mom are also sitting in a big box waiting to be scanned & preserved.

It can feel like a MASSIVE job.  Are you in the same situation?

Fortunately the solution is obvious.  I need to dedicate the time to make this project happen.  If I am taking photos then I also need to take the time for editing, organizing and preserving my memories.

Photo Challenge

# 1 problem organizing Photos?  It's a massive job to do & it can be overwhelming!  Here's how to fix that -

No matter what you have to work on--this challenge is for you.  Start where you are. 

Begin with the assignments I am going to issue here on the blog for the next several weeks. I also will be putting out reminders on the Day to Day Facebook page & Twitter(@Day2DayAdv) if you want to get more out of the challenge.

Join me in making progress.

I am going to schedule time each week to make progress on this goal. 

I've been working on changing from a night owl into a morning person and it has transformed how I look at the hours I have to use each day.  I like moving forward on goals and the only way that happens is if I have a plan!

I invite you to join me.  Don't leave your precious photos in boxes. 

Make memories come alive for your family.

Each week I will update you on my progress and give specific ideas for where to start, photo organization, albums, archiving and much more. 

In no way do I expect to get caught up quickly—that would be nothing short of miraculous.  This is a starting point.  A way to start a new habit that will benefit you, me and our families. All progress is fantastic!

If you have any specific questions that you would like to ask, please leave a comment, email me or leave a comment on Day to Day Adventures Facebook page

Further reading on photo organizing