Day to Day Adventures

How much fabric do I need to make a rag rug?

Kim Brush15 Comments

Rag Rugs are a unique craft to make! When you make one you can take something old(if you use scraps) and make something new! My current project is made from old jeans that my guys out grew or wore out and I love the way it looks! Denim is so durable! There are many reasons you should make a rag rug but the main one but the main one is that they allow a place for creativity and design that a store purchased rug just doesn't give. You can take your creativity and make a unique piece of beauty that will be useful plus may become a family heirloom!

Healthy eating reboot

Kim Brush1 Comment

Have you ever had to give up all the “normal” things in your life? When your paradigm shifts and there is a new normal it is REALLY difficult to feel right with the world. Everything changes. Your routines don’t work anymore. Normal activities that were effortless are now impossible. And food. How do you get excited to fix healthy food for yourself(or your family) when you aren’t hungry or it hurts to be in the kitchen for very long. It is really hard to find your way back from that season of life. That's where I've been for several years but 2017 is going to be a year of new BEGINNINGS for me. 

Are you there too? Read on my friend. Today is all about a healthy eating reboot.

10 Things to BEGIN in 2017

Kim BrushComment

New beginnings at the New Year

A year ago I felt like I was so STUCK in a place I didn’t want to be but I was limited by my physical ability to walk, bend and the stamina that I did NOT have. It was so frustrating but I also had a sense that I was ready to get started on a lot of things and that led me to choose PROGRESS as my word for 2016. It proved to be very appropriate and I made huge progress on walking, balance, taking the stairs and flexibility, plus more fun things like crafts and gardening. For 2017, I am looking forward to lots of opportunities for beginning new things. That doesn’t mean I want to abandon the progress I’ve made but the feeling that NEW stuff is right around the corner is really strong.